Crime and Criminal Litigation
Criminal Defence Legal Services
Our expertise in criminal law practice is over three decades.
Shanjid Siddique and Jurists is one of the leading chambers in Dhaka which specializes on crime and criminal litigation. Mr. Siddique has been engaged as a defence counsel in numerous bail matters and for quashing of proceedings in the High Court Division. In particular, he is vastly skilled in dealing with anti-corruption and money-laundering cases. Our Partner, Mr. A H S Rashed, has 32 years of experience and he is considered as one of the best criminal lawyers in the Magistrates Court and Sessions Court. We act for accused from their first appearance in the Magistrates' Court till conclusion of trial. In particular, we have experience of meticulously handling corruption and money-laundering cases.
As a specialized chamber on crime and criminal litigation, we provide the following legal services:
Bail hearings: We are one of the chambers which has highest success rate in securing bail of accused implicated in sensational and grave criminal cases. The bail hearings are conducted in the Magistrates Court, District and Sessions Court and High Court Division. In addition, if an accused is apprehending arrest, we ensure his pre-arrest bail or anticipatory bail.
Charge hearing and discharge prayer: We act for our clients in their application for discharge filed under section 241A of the Code of Criminal Procedure or 265C of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Application for quashing of proceedings: Applications for quashing of criminal proceedings are filed under section 561A of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Criminal Revision: Criminal revisions can be filed and conducted before the Sessions Court and High Court Division.
Trial: Our lawyers are skilled in trial, especially in conducting of witness examinations and argument.
Appeal against conviction: We file and conduct appeal hearings both in the Sessions Court and High Court Division.
Leave to Appeal and Appeal hearings in the Appellate Division: We file and conduct criminal petition for leave to appeal and appeal hearings in the Appellate Division.