Best Law Firm in Bangladesh
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Shanjid Siddique and Jurists is one of the leading law firms in Bangladesh. The law firm is headed by Barrister H M Shanjid Siddique and Advocate A H S Rashed.
The law firm currently has 13 (thirteen) experienced and skilled Advocates, Barristers and legal consultants as Associates Lawyers .
The founder of the law firm, Advocate A H S Rashed, has experience of 35 years in the legal profession and has an earned an outstanding reputation as a litigation expert in the Magistrates Court and District and Sessions.
As a full-service law firm, it serves individual clients and corporate bodies with high professionalism and dedication. All the lawyers maintain strong professional ethics and fully commit themselves to the Bar Council's code of conduct.
The firm adheres to certain values which involve the right of a client to being aware of the merits of the case at an early stage, informing the client about the legal weaknesses of his/her case to reach a firm decision about initiating a legal action, not charging any legal fee if the client at the first consultation decides not to proceed with his/her claim or suit, to charge a minimum fee based on the service rendered in a case which in the opinion of our lawyers has less probability of succeeding in court and to maintain a strong commitment and proritizing deadline regarding work schedule and maintain a long-term relationship with our clients.
We provide advisory and litigation services in the following areas of law:
Constitutional law
Administrative Law
Contract law
Corporate and commercial law
Criminal law
Property law
Intellectual property law
Admiralty law
Tort law including personal injury and medical negligence
Law of trust
Company law
Income tax law
International trade law
Law of the sea
Refugee law
Alternative Dispute Resolution involving arbitration, conciliation and mediation
Real Estate and construction law
Aviation law
Labour and Employment law
Law of succession or inheritance law
Law of banking and financial institutions
Insurance law
Securities and stock market law
Islamic law
Family law
The law firm provides a range of legal services from advisory to litigation.
The chambers have specialized lawyers who have developed their skill in their areas of interest which assures a comprehensive legal service to the client.
We render the following services to our clients:
Criminal and civil litigation in the Magistrates Court, District and Sessions Court and Supreme Court of Bangladesh
Writ petitions or judicial review matters in the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh
Conducting leave petitions and appeal hearing in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh
Alternative Dispute Resolution, which encompasses Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation
Vetting of property documents
Providing legal opinion, legal notice and reply to legal notice
Negotiating settlement on behalf of the client
Company registration
Filing applications under the Company Act, 1994 and moving in the Company Court of the High Court Division
Preparing documents for share transfer, rectification of objects clause, annual return filing
Vetting commercial contracts and providing opinion
Filing cases in the Labour Court under the Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006
Registration of trademark, patent and design
Conducting suits for violation of registered trademark, design or patent
Drafting and registration of Power of Attorney deeds
Assisting in obtaining registration of title deeds and other conveyancing documents
Legal services regarding divorce or talaq under the Muslim law
Lodging of First Information Report or General Diary in the Police Station
Drafting human resources policies for companies and corporate bodies in light of the labour law
Incorporation of foreign companies, opening bank account, obtaining work visa, VAT and income tax registration
Filing of personal income tax return
Conducting suits for maintenance, dower money, child custody and guardianship
Legal research
Conducting internal audit of companies regarding compliance with labour and employment law
Filing and conducting of suits in the Admiralty Court
Filing and conducting of cases in the Administrative Tribunal and Administrative Appellate Tribunal
Filing and conducting of cases in the Land Survey Tribunal
Obtaining of trade license and environment clearance certificate
Formation and registration of trust, foundation, charities, NGO and voluntary organizations
Service of summons in Bangladesh issued by a foreign court